The red zone is a critical period on college campuses when students are particularly vulnerable to sexual assault. Also known as the pre-exposure period, it refers to the time when...
This week, we filed federal lawsuits for three brave women's soccer players who allege sexual assault by the university's former athletic trainer, Michael Howell. These lawsuits shed light on a...
Shannon Guay, a former gymnastics coach, has been charged with multiple counts of sexual assault. The accusations against Guay have led to an extensive investigation into his past, as well...
East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office has accused four men of directly participating in or witnessing an alleged sexual assault of a very impaired and unable-to-consent Brooks before dropping her off...
A Miami-based federal court returned a more than $10.2 million verdict against Carnival Cruise Line in favor of a passenger who claims a former crew member raped her in a...
End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) Suggested Guidelines on Language Use for Sexual Assault Kimberly A. Lonsway, PhD Sergeant Joanne Archambault (Ret.) June 2013 Updated October 2020 Introduction We all...