Hazing, a dangerous and often secretive initiation ritual, has permeated various organizations and institutions around the world. It entails subjecting newcomers to humiliating, abusive, or even life-threatening activities, all under...
April 17, 2023
Ariana Powell, City Editor, April 14, 2023 Hazing is not new at Chico State. The latest offense comes from the fraternity Delta Chi. Chico State became aware of Delta Chi’s...
April 11, 2023
While Chico State makes all Greek life members attend seminars on the dangers of hazing, an investigation by the Chico State's Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities, found the...
February 13, 2023
Phi Delta Theta at EWU forced new members last fall to drink “large amounts of alcohol,” blindfolded them in an area forest, and made them locate other pledges while blindfolded....