Hazing, a dangerous and unethical practice that has long plagued college campuses, continues to claim the lives of young students nationwide. In a tragic turn of events, the family of...
Virginia lawmakers have recently passed Senate Bill 379, a groundbreaking piece of legislation that requires hazing training in public high schools. This new law aims to protect students and promote...
Ariana Powell, City Editor, April 14, 2023 Hazing is not new at Chico State. The latest offense comes from the fraternity Delta Chi. Chico State became aware of Delta Chi’s...
On the night of February 26th, 2021, our client attended his first event as a Delta Chi pledge. At the "big-little" initiation party, Adam was allegedly given a bottle of...
Since the 2021 alcohol poisoning death of our client, VCU freshman and Delta Chi pledge Adam Oakes, anti-hazing legislation known as “Adam’s Law” has passed in Virginia, hazing prevention training has...
USA Today A Virginia school will pay nearly $1 million to the family of a freshman who died after a fraternity hazing incident as part of a settlement agreement. The...