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Simply put, no other firm comes close to matching the success we have obtained for our clients in state and federal courts across the country.

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Bailey, Estate of Gordon Lynn vs. Chi Psi Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Bailey, Estate of Gordon Lynn vs. Chi Psi Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Gordie died just 3 weeks after arriving on campus. He was only eighteen.

Colorado District Court, Boulder County, Case No. 2006CV424

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Baker, Estate of Najee Ali vs. Wake Forest University, et al

Baker, Estate of Najee Ali vs. Wake Forest University, et al

United States District Court, Middle District of North Carolina, Case No. 1:19-cv-000477-CCE-LPA

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Braham, Estate of Marquise vs. Pennsylvania State UniversityBraham, Estate of Marquise vs. Pennsylvania State University

Braham, Estate of Marquise vs. Pennsylvania State University

Marquise Braham died March 14, 2014, after having lunch with his mom. Marquise told his mom "I'll be right back" and went to a nearby hotel and jumped 10 stories from the roof.

Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Dauphin County, Case No. 2016CV4288

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Carrington, Estate of Matthew vs. Chi Tau, et al.

Carrington, Estate of Matthew vs. Chi Tau, et al.

We advised the family about necessary legislative changes and Matt’s Mom, Debbie Smith, convinced the California Legislature and Governor Schwarzenegger to enact “Matt’s Law.”

Superior Court of California, County of Butte, Case No. 134286

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Does, Janes vs. Chad Curtis, Lakewood Public Schools, and Lakewood Public Schools Board of Education, et alDoes, Janes vs. Chad Curtis, Lakewood Public Schools, and Lakewood Public Schools Board of Education, et al

Does, Janes vs. Chad Curtis, Lakewood Public Schools, and Lakewood Public Schools Board of Education, et al

Obtained a $1.8 Million verdict on behalf of one of our four clients in Federal Court. All four women settled with Lakewood Public Schools and its Board of Education in Western Michigan for $575,000.

Four female student-athletes at Lakewood High School in Barry County, Michigan alleged that former Major League Baseball Outfielder Chad Curtis sexually assaulted them under the guise of therapeutic massages while volunteering as a coach. He was convicted of criminal sexual conduct in October 2013.

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Desdunes, Estate of George vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon (“SAE”) Fraternity and Individual DefendantsDesdunes, Estate of George vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon (“SAE”) Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Desdunes, Estate of George vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon (“SAE”) Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Established precedent in New York and obtained a confidential multi-million dollar settlement.

Marie Lourdes André, mother of Cornell University student George Desdunes, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, its officers, and members after George was kidnapped by SAE pledges as part of a fraternity ritual. George’s blood-alcohol level was still .409%, and his death was a result of hazing.

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Virginia Tech Massacre SettlementVirginia Tech Massacre Settlement

Virginia Tech Massacre Settlement

Representing 21 families, we negotiated historic settlements valued in excess of $11 Million plus a lifetime of healthcare for all victims and non-monetary assistance.

We negotiated the historic settlements valued in excess of $11 Million for the wrongful deaths and injured survivors of the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech Massacre. The settlement included financial compensation, health benefits, and non-monetary assistance. It established a foundation in their honor that continues to advocate for safe schools & gun control, which we continue to represent today.

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DeVercelly, Estate of Gary, Jr. vs. Rider University, Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity and Individual Defendants

DeVercelly, Estate of Gary, Jr. vs. Rider University, Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity and Individual Defendants

The settlement had two primary components, one of which is confidential, the other includes fundamental, ground-breaking changes at Rider University.

New Jersey Superior Court, Mercer County, Law Division, Docket No. MER-L-003199-07

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Dhanens, Estate of Philip vs. Theta Chi Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Dhanens, Estate of Philip vs. Theta Chi Fraternity and Individual Defendants

The case against all defendants, including the national fraternity, local chapter, and members, was resolved for a confidential significant financial amount at mediation.

California Superior Court, Fresno County, Case No. 13 CEGG 00801

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Four Female Student-Athletes vs. Butler University, Former AT Michael Howell, and AD Ralph Reiff

Four Female Student-Athletes vs. Butler University, Former AT Michael Howell, and AD Ralph Reiff

Our lawsuits against Butler University not only seek justice for our clients but also aim to drive systemic changes within collegiate athletic programs.

Four Butler University women's soccer players are suing over allegations that ex-assistant athletic trainer Michael Howell sexually abused, harassed, and groomed them. As senior associate athletic director, Ralph Reiff was tasked with overseeing Howell.

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Doe, Jane vs. Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, et al and Wesleyan University

Doe, Jane vs. Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, et al and Wesleyan University

Rape at Fraternity with Long-Documented History of Dangerous Misconduct

United States District Court, District of Connecticut, Case No. 3:12-cv-01428

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Doe, John vs. Holt Public Schools

Doe, John vs. Holt Public Schools

Our action against Holt Public Schools is for its violation of our client's rights under Title IX and his substantive due process rights under the 14th Amendment.

United States District Court, Western District of Michigan, Case No. 1:20-cv-00341

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Doe, John vs. Russell County School Board, et al.

Doe, John vs. Russell County School Board, et al.

We secured a $1.1 Million settlement for John Doe and produced rulings that may guide future Title IX litigation.

Attorney Monica Beck filed a $10 Million lawsuit on behalf of a third-grader who suffered extreme sexual abuse at the hands of school custodian. The federal lawsuit garnered national attention and ignited a firestorm illuminating the scope of Title IX in K-12 schools.

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Domingo, Estate of Noah vs. Individual DefendantsDomingo, Estate of Noah vs. Individual Defendants

Domingo, Estate of Noah vs. Individual Defendants

18-year-old UC Irvine freshman, Noah Domingo, died Jan. 12, 2019. He had joined the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity a few months earlier and was at a party on Jan. 11 with other frat members at a “Big Brother Night.” Toxicology reports determined that Noah died of “acute alcohol intoxication” with a 0.331% blood alcohol level.

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Kansas State University Title IX Lawsuit

Kansas State University Title IX Lawsuit

Our lawsuit filed against Kansas State University by two former students, who were sexually assaulted, has been given clearance to proceed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

Tessa Farmer and Sara Weckhorst, were each brutally raped by KSU students at off-campus fraternity houses. Both reported the rapes to KSU and identified the perpetrators, one of whom is now in prison. KSU refused to investigate or take any action against the perpetrators, allowing them to remain on campus, and justified its indifference on the basis that the rapes occurred off-campus.

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Griffin, Estate of Brett vs. Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Griffin, Estate of Brett vs. Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity and Individual Defendants

University of Delaware freshman Brett Griffin died on Nov. 8, 2008, of alcohol poisoning after he drank heavily at the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity's "Big Brother" party.

Delaware Superior Court, New Castle County, C.A. No. 09C-04-067-JAP

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Gruver, Estate of Maxwell vs. Louisiana State University, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity and Individual DefendantsGruver, Estate of Maxwell vs. Louisiana State University, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Gruver, Estate of Maxwell vs. Louisiana State University, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity and Individual Defendants

A jury awarded a $6.1 million verdict to Max's parents, which is one of the largest ever recorded in Louisiana for the wrongful death of a child.

LSU freshman Max Gruver died in September 2017 following a hazing incident called "Bible Study" at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. At the time of his death, Max's blood-alcohol level was still .495%. As lead counsel, we prevailed in the Gruver's wrongful death lawsuit and obtained a $6.1 million verdict.

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Liu, Estate of Chun “Michael” Deng vs. Pi Delta Psi Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Liu, Estate of Chun “Michael” Deng vs. Pi Delta Psi Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Michael Deng, a freshman at Baruch College in Manhattan, was pledging to Pi Delta Psi. He died during a December 2013 fraternity retreat in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, during which he was hazed as part of a violent ritual known as the "glass ceiling."

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Mardis, Estate of Joshua Daniel vs. Cross Keys Society, Inc., Pi Beta Chi Fraternity, PBX Property Management, and Individual DefendantsMardis, Estate of Joshua Daniel vs. Cross Keys Society, Inc., Pi Beta Chi Fraternity, PBX Property Management, and Individual Defendants

Mardis, Estate of Joshua Daniel vs. Cross Keys Society, Inc., Pi Beta Chi Fraternity, PBX Property Management, and Individual Defendants

On Feb. 2, 2023, the car Joshua Mardis was dumped in, having been rendered unconscious from a hazing and alcohol-fueled rushing event, slammed into a tree head-on at 95 mph, killing him & two others.

On the night of Feb. 2, 2023, the car Josh was carried to and dumped in – having been rendered unconscious from a hazing- and alcohol-fueled rush event held by a fraternity and its members at a remote West Virginia strip club – crossed the center line, left the road, and slammed into a tree head-on at an estimated 95 miles per hour, trapping him in the decimated vehicle where he would die.

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Doe, Estate of John vs. Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Virginia Circuit Court, Fairfax County, Case No. 2012-04085

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McCoy, Mary Claire vs. The Isidore Newman School

McCoy, Mary Claire vs. The Isidore Newman School

Our client, Mary Claire McCoy, accepted a confidential settlement payment in the hundreds of thousands of dollars — "closer to a million than not," and an apology from the school.

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Nguyen, Estate of Phat Anh vs. Individual Defendants, et al

Nguyen, Estate of Phat Anh vs. Individual Defendants, et al

On November 19, 2021, Phat Anh Nguyen, an undergraduate student at Michigan State University ("MSU"), was summoned to a "blackout" event by members of the Asian American fraternity he was pledging.

30th Circuit Court, County of Ingham, Case No. 23-245-NO

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Oakes, Estate of Adam vs. The Delta Chi (ΔΧ) Fraternity Incorporated and Individual DefendantsOakes, Estate of Adam vs. The Delta Chi (ΔΧ) Fraternity Incorporated and Individual Defendants

Oakes, Estate of Adam vs. The Delta Chi (ΔΧ) Fraternity Incorporated and Individual Defendants

On the night of February 26th, 2021, Adam attended "big-little" night as a Delta Chi pledge. He was allegedly given a bottle of Jack Daniels and told to drink it. Adam's life was tragically cut short.

VCU freshman Adam Oakes died in February 2021 after consuming lethal quantities of a "Family Drink" during Big/Little Brother Reveal Night. Adam threw up and collapsed on the floor where he was discarded. The next morning, he was pronounced dead on the scene with a blood-alcohol level of .419%.

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Starkey, Estate of Carson vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Individual Defendants

Starkey, Estate of Carson vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Individual Defendants

The substantial monetary portion of the settlement is confidential, yet was used by the family to start Aware Awake Alive, a non-profit which, in part, educates about the risks of hazing nationwide.

California Superior Court, San Luis Obispo County, Case No. CV 09 0534

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Stirling, Estate of Terry vs. Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Inc,. et al

Stirling, Estate of Terry vs. Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Inc,. et al

Freshman Terry Stirling choked on his vomit after big brother/little brother night at the Alpha Tau Omega house at Old Dominion University.

Circuit Court of Norfolk County, Virginia, At Law No. 01-1762

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Rolling Stone Defamation Claim

Rolling Stone Defamation Claim

The lawsuits against Rolling Stone by the fraternity and its members were frivolous, quickly abandoned, and were successfully resolved for a small fraction of the $25 Million in damages sought.

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Washington Navy Yard ShootingWashington Navy Yard ShootingWashington Navy Yard Shooting

Washington Navy Yard Shooting

The Washington Navy Yard shooting occurred on September 16, 2013 when 34-year-old Aaron Alexis fatally shot 12 people and injured three others in a mass shooting at the headquarters of NAVSEA.

United States District Court for the District of Columbia

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Reardon, Daniel – Fraternity Initiation Death at Phi Sigma Kappa House at the University of Maryland – College Park

Reardon, Daniel – Fraternity Initiation Death at Phi Sigma Kappa House at the University of Maryland – College Park

Daniel Reardon, a freshman student at the University of Maryland - College Park, received a bid to join Phi Sigma Kappa. The Fraternity’s initiation began with “Bid Night."

Circuit Court of Prince George's County, Maryland

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