This new series explores some of the most perilous, life-threatening incidents in recent Greek Life history. It unveils the shadowy aspects of Greek Row and its effects on young college...
The Doe family issued a statement to KWTX this week through their attorney, thanking those supporters. “The Doe family wishes to express their gratitude for the community’s outpouring of support...
With College Athletes on Cusp of Revenue-Sharing, There are Title IX Questions That Must be Answered
TFNLG civil rights attorney, Iliana Konidaris, said Title IX rules will apply if the schools are tasked with directing payments to athletes. Konidaris said it will be critical for the...
A Waco federal magistrate delivered a harsh critique of a Lorena principal's conduct in their proposal to dismiss a lawsuit brought by our clients, the parents of a pre-K student...
In the early morning hours of January 19th, a police officer in Eugene discovered two female students from the University of Oregon near the intersection of East 19th Avenue and...