Hazing, a dangerous and unethical practice that has long plagued college campuses, continues to claim the lives of young students nationwide. In a tragic turn of events, the family of...
Antisemitism has become an alarming issue on college campuses. Jewish students and watchdog groups have reported a surge in antisemitic incidents, ranging from verbal harassment to physical assaults. The Israel-Gaza...
The red zone is a critical period on college campuses when students are particularly vulnerable to sexual assault. Also known as the pre-exposure period, it refers to the time when...
As college students across the country begin a new semester, many will take part in rituals and initiations to join Greek fraternities or sororities, sports teams, or other clubs. These...
In recent years, the state of Michigan has been working diligently to improve the rights of sexual assault survivors and update its statute of limitations to better address the issue...
The Harvard women’s ice hockey program, under scrutiny following a January report from the Boston Globe that alleged abusive behavior by coach Katey Stone and hazing within the program, held...
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