Bailey, Estate of Gordon Lynn vs. Chi Psi Fraternity and Individual Defendants

On September 17th, 2004, Lynn Gordon Bailey Jr. (“Gordie”) was found dead at the Chi Psi fraternity house at the University of Colorado at Boulder. On the evening of September 16th, Gordie and twenty-six other pledges, dressed in coats and ties for “bid night,” were blindfolded and taken to the Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest, where they were “encouraged” to drink four handles of whiskey and six bottles of wine around a bonfire in 30 minutes.
When the group returned to the fraternity house, Gordie was visibly intoxicated and was placed on a couch to “sleep it off” at approximately 11 pm. His brothers proceeded to write on his body with permanent markers–a fraternity ritual meant to embarrass brothers who pass out. Gordie was left to “sleep it off” for 10 hours before he was found dead the next morning at 9 am, face down on the floor. No one had called for help.