Hazing, a dangerous and unethical practice that has long plagued college campuses, continues to claim the lives of young students nationwide. In a tragic turn of events, the family of...
Examining the Unsettling Trend: School Shootings Post-Columbine The Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999, remains a dark chapter in American history, marking a pivotal moment in the national...
Virginia lawmakers have recently passed Senate Bill 379, a groundbreaking piece of legislation that requires hazing training in public high schools. This new law aims to protect students and promote...
The issue that has plagued the internet for a long time continues to deteriorate in appearance. As per recent statistics from the organization assigned by the U.S. government to monitor...
In a recent congressional hearing, the presidents of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) faced intense scrutiny for their handling of antisemitism on...
Syracuse University, Sigma Chi fraternity, and Delta Delta Delta sorority are being sued by our client, Jane Doe, alleging she was drugged and raped at the fraternity's chapter house in...